On a personal note...

Wow, I can’t believe it’s almost a year ago since I first placed my fingers on the keyboard, took a deep breath, and started typing about my all-consuming love of food! Its surreal how a bored little girl( going on 29 J) have been able to reach so many people across the globe….from America, to Ukraine and back to Australia.

You have all bared witness to my culinary experiences throughout the year; from a magical and belly-busting trip through France; to meaningful and nostalgic recipes from friends and loved ones.

It has been a truly gratifying and inspirational experience for me, and I hope that for at least some of you, you have gained similar inspiration and ideas for the kitchen.

So, here’s to another year of yummy recipe’s; festive events; and a round-up of all the best restaurants the Mother City has to offer.

Thank you for all your support, and keep those comments coming!



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