An introduction to all things tasty....

I have always been an avid lover of food.  In fact, having grown up with a mother, brother and aunt with a distinctive ability to produce gastronomic masterpieces, have made it impossible not to!  Earliest childhood memories reflects mom standing in front of simmering pots, seducing any passers-by to sniff at its contents.

It has been a life-long dream of mine to work in the food industry.  Taking destiny into my own hands, I have decided to explore this passion, and also to share my knowledge of all things food-related!

With this blog, readers can expect a wide variety of tasty seasonal recipes.  You will also have a glimpse of some dinner parties hosted by me and my friends, with helpful hints along the way to make sure your dinner party is the one to set the standard! 

Having trouble deciding where to go out for dinner?  My blog will ensure that you can select between some of Cape Town's funkiest restaurants, that is sure to satisfy any mood or craving!

Sugar and spice, and al things nice will be your guide book in the kitchen, giving food-enlightenment to even the most amateurish cook.
Welcome all my readers, I hope you will enjoy this journey with me!

Watch this space....


  1. A3, dit is ongelooflik! Sien ek het geweet jy het dit in jou, jy moet dit deurvoer en ek ondersteun jou 100%! Go kick butt!!

  2. love love love this!!!hope ill be able to try everything you make and recommend myself! Would be great for that "winter layer"! :) AWESOME name!Keep on cooking!

  3. Dit lyk awesome! Gaan defnintief als follow!

  4. Adri, volgens jou pa is die "spare rib" sous by verre die beste wat hulle nog oor die land geeet het. Hoop dat hierdie blog van jou net soveel proe plesier vir ander sal verskaf soos vir ons.
    Baie liefde oues


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